Monday, November 4, 2013

Johnny Adams

          In 1735, John Adams was born into the Adams family.  His parents’ names were Susanna and John Adams. He had two brothers named Peter and Elihu Adams.

          When he was 16 years old ,he started going to Harvard University. Four years later, he graduated from Harvard in 1755. He became a school teacher. He thought it was boring and so became a lawyer.

          When he was 28 years old, he got married to Abigail Adams.  

          John was sent to the first and second Continental Congress where he nominated George Washington to be Commander in Chief of the American army. From 1789 to 1807, he was President Washington’s vice president.

          From 1797 to 1801, John Adams was the second president of the United States. During his presidency, he made many hard decisions. In fact, thanks to John Adams, America stayed at peace with France.

          In the election of 1800, John lost to Thomas Jefferson. In 1801, John left the White House and went to live in Quincy, Massachusetts. On July 4th, 1826, John Adams died at Quincy.

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