Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He had dreamed of discovering a path
to the Indies. He believed the world was round so he could travel west to get
to the east. He became a good navigator and map maker in 1477. Later, he met a
woman named Felipa and got married and had a son named Diego. He made plans to
get to Asia and gave them to the king of Portugal. The king secretly sent a
fleet to look for it before Christopher did but they couldn’t find anything. So
instead, he went to the king of Spain and the king said” Yes.”
August 3rd, 1492, Columbus set sail with 3 ships: the Nina, the
Pinta, and the Santa Maria. After about a month of sailing, the sailors began
to complain and argue that there wasn’t any land and wanted turn back. Then, he
made a final decision that if they didn’t find and land in 3 days they would
turn back. On the next day at 2:00 am, someone from the Nina shouted, “Land ho!”

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