Boone, born on November 2nd, 1734, was traveling. He was 15 years
old and he and his family were moving from Pennsylvania to the Yadkin River in
North Carolina. He had a great time because he was very fond of the forest. He
also enjoyed places where people hardly ever explore. When they reached the
Yadkin River, they began building their cabin.
When he was older, he joined the British
in the French and Indian War. He was mainly a wagon driver. After two years he
quit his job and went home in North Carolina. Later, He married a neighbor named Rebecca.
A year after their marriage, a baby boy named James was born.

Years after he had come home,
he decided to move to Kentucky. With him, he brought his family and five other
neighbor families. Soon, more people began joining him so he founded the
settlement of Boonesborough. In 1776, his daughter was captured by the Indians
so he had to rescue her. In 1820, he died at the age of 86.
He was important to history
for making many roads to the west of the United States, which no one had ever